Tuesday, December 6, 2011


i think every school should compulsorily have an understanding student counsellor who is a psychiatrist stationed to understand and guide the insecure students . GenerallY you have overburdened teachers who r not able to double up as a friend philosopher and guide nowadays. Atleast can reduce student suicides reg puppy love affairs and low marks issues

Monday, September 6, 2010

so whats wrong with fixing??!!!!

what i have written below is just my tongue in cheek take on the spot - fixing situation in cricket....

read on ...

"i am going to hold atleast a candle if not a torch for the match-fixers..... lets look at the whole thing from a different perspective.... its agreed both movies and cricket or sport for that matter are different forms but all bracketed into that category called entertainment, now , a movie becomes a hit and few people earn money from that industry when people buy tickets for first viewing or even repeated viewing , nowadays people who are watching the movie for the first time also come to know what the movie is about from the reviews , about the repeated viwers they seem to relish watching the same scenes again and again even if they know what the result is going to be,... taking the same argument , how can it be wrong when just like in movies some people do the direction of sport to give enjoyment to certain public privy to earning big bucks from the sport , the viewer and the genuine cricket fan has always been an ass, so it does not matter to him whether some people make money and some people loses , he is only bothered about his daily dose of entertainment for cricket , so that he can forget the day to day ennui in his normal sedantary life .... leave the cricket to book makers just like politics you cannot clean up the muck because it runs too deep, give us today our daily cricket with or without the fix , i am having my blinkers on ...."



rehamantics and the music disconnect

the problem with rehman is the same with this generation - over hype ,
he is a good sound engineer thats all , dont mention his name along with other starlwarts
like rdburman , sd burman , msv, ilayaraja, salilda, the proof of this argument is found
in all the reality shows where contestants stil sing only the olden goldies which had soul and
melody , the latest enthiran offering of rehman is an affront to the ears of sane music lover,
his patch work kind of work sticks out like a sore thumb and there is no
continuity in the melody to stick in your minds... the rehamaniacs
argue that u have to listen to his songs atleast 20 times repeatedly to
like it , what a baffling shallow argument!!! totally unmusical
this CWG song is another sham like the games itself a corruption of musical sense

6 crores of our money for this song my my!!!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

flying cars

the one thing which i despise whole heartedly as many would agree with me in this world is traffic and delay...
now how to cut this travel time and also indulge youself in wholesome excitement while being at it ..?
just imagine a time when real flying cars come into the market and have plastic or carbon dioxide as fuel which when burnt inside those pretty flying engines converts into oxygen ... no , no wait , this is not the end of the whacky thinking i possess ,er.. you can contribute too....

with these flying cars we will have parking lot extensions from our balconies which will be the take off point to whatever destinations we want to go , ofcourse since we dont want to run down the airplane companies into their doom , we will not be allowed to travel abroad by the govt in our flying cars....

will continue ....